

作为校友, you know—perhaps better than anyone else—that there is something extra special about a 具有里程碑意义的大学 education.

与顾问建立有意义的关系, 教授, and coaches inspire lifelong learning and influence the lives of students forever.

与你的 校友基金捐赠, 具有里程碑意义的大学 can continue to provide students with a solid foundation for college and for life. 校友基金每天帮助每一位学生.


  • Show appreciation for the experience you received at 具有里程碑意义的大学
  • 为学生提供类似的体验
  • Empower the people and programs that make 具有里程碑意义的大学 extraordinary
  • 与学院社区保持联系
  • 最重要的是,改变生活!

The size of your annual gift doesn’t matter, but your participation does! Landmark的财政年度为7月1日至6月30日.

Thank you, alumni, for supporting the future of 具有里程碑意义的大学.

更多信息请亚洲博彩平台排名或 在网上做礼物 今天!






普特尼,VT 05346


受到我们最早的校友的激励, the 吉姆和卡罗琳奥利弗捐赠奖学金 was established during Pioneers Reunion at Homecoming 2018. 这项奖学金授予吉姆和卡罗琳·奥利维尔, two people who were instrumental in setting our alma mater on a path toward success. We have come together in setting up a scholarship in their name and we’re asking those of you with a connection to 具有里程碑意义的大学’s formative years to make a pledge 今天 to help launch the fund.

This scholarship is designed to recognize the impact Jim and Carolyn had on 具有里程碑意义的大学 and the lives of those who attended or worked for the College during the Oliviers’ tenure. The award is given to a college transfer student who demonstrates perseverance, 自我意识, 尽管他或她的学习差异很大,但他还是有学习的动力. 除了, the recipient should possess personal characteristics that reflect the pioneering spirit of those who lived on campus in the early years of Landmark: the intellect of Ron Marr; the adventurous spirit of April Godfrey Landale; the integrity of Roxie Bratton; the compassion and understanding of Mark Richards; and the idealism of the original 77 students.


约翰·巴格是你的棒球教练吗? Maybe he was your teacher, advisor, your basketball coach or your resident dean. Odds are that if you were at 具有里程碑意义的大学 in the last quarter century or so, 你有约翰·巴格的故事要讲. 约翰从Landmark退休了, 也是为了纪念他和学院成立25周年, a group of alumni decided it was long overdue to honor this wonderful man who has meant so much to so many.

我们的良师益友, 我们的老师和朋友, 他看到了每个年轻人的优点, 每一次我们都因为他而变得更好. 约翰很安静。, easy way of calming any situation and bringing an unassuming brilliance to every problem. 他不是那种太过沮丧或过于兴奋的人, except for the thrill of seeing you make it to class on time or finish the paper that had been haunting you for weeks. John has always been our tireless cheerleader, and now it is time we cheer a little bit for him. The 约翰·巴格奖学金 Fund will give deserving students a leg up just like John has always done.


普特尼,VT 05346


校友捐赠奖学基金, established by 具有里程碑意义的大学’s 校友谘询委员会 in 2008, supports student success and opportunity by creating a permanent fund for scholarships, offering long-term relief for the rising costs of tuition that keeps many students from taking advantage of the unique educational opportunities offered at the College.

Supporting 具有里程碑意义的大学’s 校友捐赠奖学金 Fund is a tangible expression of appreciation for the educational opportunities afforded its alumni. There are many and diverse ways to give to the 校友捐赠奖学金 Fund at 具有里程碑意义的大学. 所有的礼物, 无论大小, contribute to further strengthening the College’s unique and historical mission for students with learning differences.


普特尼,VT 05346


  • 你的天赋会立即产生持久的影响, supporting every core component of the 具有里程碑意义的大学 experience. 每年, gifts from thousands of LC Sharks remain at the heart of our efforts to sustain our great College and ensure that Landmark continues to invest in its extraordinary students, 教师, 和研究.

    每一份校友捐赠都会产生乘数效应, as each contribution to the 校友 Fund has an opportunity to mean more with our unique annual alumni giving challenge. 也, 每一份校友捐赠都支持学院的声誉, 作为公司, 基金会, and families all use 校友 Fund participation rates to judge the College’s strength.

    像很多机构一样, 具有里程碑意义的大学 must rely on contributions to help cover the gap between the cost of tuition and the cost of a 具有里程碑意义的大学 education.


    • 优秀学生奖学金
    • 吸引和留住受人尊敬的教员
    • 技术基础设施的进步
    • 发展新的学术活动
    • 更新实验室设备
    • 建设图书馆资源
    • 维护及改善校园设施

    这意味着什么呢? 不管你的礼物有多大,都有很大的用处!

    “As a recent college graduate and someone on an entry-level salary, 回馈大学并不是我想要做的事, 但我答应了! 为什么? 因为地标学院改变了我的人生. I graduated from Landmark feeling as if I had a place in the world and things to contribute.——斯考特·麦克伦

    Please consider making a gift to the 具有里程碑意义的大学 校友 Fund, 专门为我们的校友社区设立的基金.


  • 而不是把礼物的全部花光, 捐赠的总金额被投资. 每年, 投资所得只有一部分被花掉, 而剩余部分则添加到原始本金中. 捐赠是永久的礼物, because only the earnings are used to support 具有里程碑意义的大学, 而本金不断增长.

    总是等同于卓越和长期的实力, endowments are absolutely essential if 具有里程碑意义的大学 is to remain a leader in the education of students with learning differences. Supporting one of 具有里程碑意义的大学’s Endowed Scholarships is a great way to link your legacy as a Landmark alumnus or alumna with the College’s future forever.


    普特尼,VT 05346

